Tell your boss UX Australia 2022 is a golden development opportunity

Every year UX Australia offers a series of events aimed at furthering the development and skills of the UX design community in Australia and overseas. We have been doing this since 2009.

As one of the only UX event companies in Australia, our conferences are attended by hundreds of people doing amazing work across all industries and specialities. Exposure to this diverse and talented crowd is reason enough to go, but here’s some more ways to sell it to your boss.

New ideas from industry leaders and innovators

When you come to UX Australia, you get to spend time learning from people whose work is shaping the global UX conversation, including product designers, service designers, content specialists, ops and product leaders, researchers and more.

Knowledge, skills and wisdom

Every year, UX Australia speakers include authors, industry pioneers, design leaders from global brands, and exciting new voices. Attending lets you hear their stories, experiences and lessons, so you can apply them in your own work. 

Compare maturity and approach

Don’t let your team, project or product get left behind because you didn’t know there were better approaches, more efficient tools, or more effective methodologies. Find out what your professional peers are doing in comparable industries. Bring intel back into your business.

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Example email to boss

Dear [manager person]

There’s a really great conference called UX Australia coming up in August. It’s the main UX design conference in Australia and I think it would be really beneficial for me (and the business) to attend.

Here’s a few reasons why:

  1. I can bring back new techniques, approaches and methodologies so we can improve our processes.

  2. We will better understand innovative tools, skills and trends that might help solve some of our challenges as well.

  3. Learn from the most talented leaders in this space, so we don’t get left behind as a business.

For me, it’s an opportunity to mix with professional peers, absorb new skills, learn about new tools, and identify how we might grow our discipline at [insert business name]. 

Conference details and cost

It costs just $750 for all of the talks and I get links to all the recordings afterwards. 

For a bit extra, I can attend one or two of the workshops as well.

[Insert extra about your budget if you want to travel to Melbourne to attend the conference or workshops in person]

If we pay by 30 June it will ensure we spend what we have, and get allocated the same next year.

Can we discuss?

I’m happy to answer any questions you might have and discuss the next steps. But it would be great if you can let me know by [date] so we have time to arrange the [purchase order/payment]. 


[Your name]