September 2022 Meetup

How to make visual language part of your practice 

This meetup takes place via Zoom meeting on Wednesday, September 14, at 5:30 pm.

Sponsored by Sh8peshifters, Alan and Diana will talk about how to develop visual thinking habits that unlock creativity and give you visual tools for communication.

Sh8peshifters are visual storytellers based in Sydney, Australia. They use creativity, visual thinking and stories to bring people together and breathe life into ideas. From live scribing and illustration to animation and film, this has been their passion and profession for over 20 years.

Please note - this meetup is led by both a male-identifying (Alan) and a female-identifying (Diana) facilitator.

Who's it for:

This meetup is for Women in the UX community looking to network with like-minded individuals working in design. It is open to all those who identify as women working in design. 

Registration & Access:

The meetup is hosted via Zoom Meeting.
We provide closed-captioning, and a recording with resources will be sent to all registrants after the event. 
We aim to host an inclusive and accessible event. if there's something we can do to make the event more accessible to you or someone you know, please get in touch


When registering for a meetup you're agreeing to our Privacy Policy. Please take a look at what information we may collect and how it may be used and reach out if you have any concerns. Please note screenshots will be taken for marketing purposes. If you do not want your picture taken or used in marketing materials please email