
Register for Design Research 2017 on the Eventbrite website

About the registration process & system

We're using Eventbrite to manage registrations for this conference. You do not need to sign up or have an account to register for the conference. However, if you want to check your registration or change any details (including the name of the person attending), you will need to sign up to Eventbrite.

Paying by invoice

You can register now and pay by invoice (direct bank deposit). Just choose 'Show other payment options' under the 'Register' button, and choose the 'Pay offline' button. All invoices are due within 30 days, or by the time of the event, whichever is earlier.

Checking your registration

If you're not sure what you've registered for, log into Eventbrite, choose 'Tickets' from the dropdown menu in the top right, select the relevant event.

Changing your registration

If you need to change the name of the person attending:

  • If you registered yourself, you should be able to change details by logging in to your Eventbrite account
  • If someone else registered you, they can change details by logging in to their Eventbrite account

You can't change the conference or workshops you are registered for - please contact us if you want to change these.

Pricing and cancellations

We offer a range of prices, including discounts for early-bird and students. We do not offer discounts for not-for-profit organisations or groups (we keep our prices as low as possible for everyone). Cancellation details are in our terms & conditions.