June Meetup hosted by Askable

Registration is closed. Read a summary about the meetup here.

Hosted by Askable, our next meetup focuses on Real Stories - told by fantastic Women in the UX space.

Learn from an incredible group of women in the industry, how they first got their foot in the door, how they have overcome challenges and learn real-life strategies they use to work through those issues. 

Our speakers Kate Kieran, Amanda Ralph, Michelle Bell, Rachel Mesler, and Itiah Thomas are in different stages of their career and have all found their way to the discipline of UX in their own unique way. 

To shake things up, Askable will host a fun round of Trivia where you will compete in small teams giving you a chance to meet other people in the industry + win some epic prizes! 

You will walk away inspired & with new connections (aka your Trivia partners in crime)!

Here's the full schedule - 

5:30 - 5:40 pm Intro & Welcome with Mags Hanley

5:40 - 6:30 pm Real Stories: 

6:30 - 7:00 pm Trivia Fun: Mingle with your Trivia team in breakout rooms and win some fun prizes

7:00 pm End discussion, Q&A and networking

This meetup is tailored towards women who are looking to transition into the discipline of UX or are just interested in hearing their peers’ real-life stories. We do, however, encourage all genders to attend. We will have speakers, open discussions, activities and networking. Feel free to bring along a drink of choice and share it with your Trivia team!

Registration is free and limited. You will receive a confirmation email from Zoom if your registration is confirmed.