Succeeding in Design: A Women in UX Event

By Mags Hanley

Over the last year, UX Australia and I have been hosting and gathering women from across Australia via our Women in UX meet ups.

It is now my joy to be part of one-day conferences in Melbourne and Sydney focused on how women can be successful in their organisations.

The aims of this conference are three-fold:

  • To strengthen the community of women who have met only virtually over the last 2 years - a community who has supported each other in their career growth
  • To provide inspiration from design leaders, peers and fellow professionals on how attendees can succeed in their workplace
  • To develop skills in influencing, gathering feedback and being our authentic selves at work

I love that as well as workshops from Donna Spencer, Sarah Stokes and me, six new speakers will share their lived work experiences, talking about diverse topics, like methods and innovations.

Please join us as we meet together in Sydney on 26 April and Melbourne on 28 April.

Best, Mags

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