Succeeding in Design: A new Women in UX event

We’ve just released tickets for the first Succeeding in Design Women in UX event. Apart from being a brand new event, it’s the first in-person event we’ve planned in a while and happens in two locations:

  • 26 April - Sydney
  • 28 April - Melbourne

We’re excited to finally be able to meet people in person and have those ‘casual but important’ conversations that we’ve all been missing for the last couple of years. It’s so enjoyable to be able to put names to faces and get real access to colleagues and peers that we only ever glimpse for a sec on the zoom grid. 

What’s the conference about?

The Women in UX meetups have been running monthly for a couple of years now and they are more popular than ever, attracting thousands of professional women. But meetups are short, and focus on an aspect of working in design, like how to develop your portfolio or what tools to use for stakeholder meetings. Important stuff, but many participants also asked the question - how do I take the next step in my career?

That’s what Succeeding in Design is all about. We’re taking a day out of the year to focus exclusively on skills and methods that can be used to advance your career.

Why are career skills important?

It’s one thing to be great at what you do; it’s another thing to know how to advance your career in a purposeful way. Some of us take the stepping stones that seem to rise up before us - a new project, a minor pay rise, a change of location. 

But how many of our small career steps are about reaching a specific target or achieving a big ambition? How do we make these small steps in our career more deliberate? Succeeding in Design is all about learning to do this, and learning from the people who are doing it.

Do you have a story to share?

While we have the core program, workshops and the keynote identified, we’ve also made room in the program for new speakers to share their experiences.

We’re looking for a number of speakers to each do 25 minute talks. 

Calls for speakers open until 13 March. See full details here.

Reasons to attend Succeeding in Design

The number one reason to attend Succeeding in Design is because your career is really important and is deserving of separate attention than your core UX or design skills.

Other reasons to go, include:

  • To spend time with your professional peers - IN PERSON
  • Learn from the wisdom and experience of others
  • Participate in conversations that could change the course of your career
  • Gain clarity about your next move
  • Feel confident taking new steps to advance your career

We hope to see you there!

Register Sydney - 26 April

Register Melbourne - 28 April