Humanizing UX: User Research with Eye Tracking and Facial Coding


Responsive, adaptive, data-driven…these jargons dominated last decade, transforming UX forever. But what’s next in the innovation of User Experience? Humanizing UX seems to be the next big challenge, to deliver experiences that resonate with emotional and subconscious preferences of users.

And in order to humanize UX, we first need to know what users see and how they feel about it. Emotion AI tech like Eye Tracking and Facial Coding are filling this gap by allowing researchers to capture users’ eye gaze movements and facial expressions to understand their subconscious and emotional preferences.

In this live session, the Founder and CPO of Entropik Tech, Lava Kumar, will demonstrate the capabilities of Entropik Tech’s “Affect UX” platform for concept validation, wireframe testing, usability testing and path to purchase insights. He will discuss a couple of customer case studies to see how they leveraged Emotion AI to gather deeper insights and humanize their UX, while saving development time by 52%.

About your presenter:

Kumar has 17+ years of rich experience and expertise in product management while working with leading ad tech companies and fortune 500 companies worldwide. He has a deft ability to build and scale products. He has lead product management teams for leading tech companies such as Motorola, Yahoo, and Operative to name a few.
Kumar is an MBA graduate from the College of William and Mary and an Engineer from Madras University. Kumar spends most of his time strategizing and building the emotion analytics platform using DeepTech, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks. When he isn’t conceptualizing a new product or a tech, Kumar enjoys sharing his earned knowledge as a regular speaker at leading market research forums across the globe.