Networking After-Party: Awesome connections don’t just happen…they’re made.


It’s time to bring back what we’ve all been craving: meaningful connection, spontaneity and a bit of fun. But in a time when we’re living (and working) from home, can we make it happen?

The answer to that question is... “Definitely, Yes.”

Join us on August 25th to play Cozy Juicy Real - the online board game with a very un-game like purpose: to kindle fun, authentic and truly connecting interactions. 

You know those late-night conversations that open your eyes to something new? Take those amazing moments, fuse them with your favourite board game and you’ve got one stellar event to remember. Without even noticing, you’ll get to know other people in the UX community on a personal level. does it work?

Cozy Juicy Real is a classic, easy-to-learn board game, repurposed for 2021. It’s been played by thousands of people in more than 61 countries to bring us all (and the world) a little closer.

"I was skeptical at first, but fast-forward to last night and I’ve now attended my third Cozy Juicy Real game.”
-Dillon Chi, UX Researcher and Fellow, USA

Join to…

  • Find yourself having easy and memorable conversations
  • Learn tools to connect more deeply with friends, family and coworkers
  • Connect more deeply with the UXA community
  • Remember that behind it all - we’re all humans living a shared experience.

Online Video of how to play CozyJuicyReal

This session is for UXA2021 attendees only. 

About your Hosts
Jed and Sophia are group facilitators, coaches, board game designers and the creators of Cozy Juicy Real. More importantly, they’re two people who believe in the power of great conversations to bring us all a little closer. Cozy Juicy Real has been played by thousands of people in 61 countries - from students to start-ups and teams at some of the world’s most successful companies including Volvo, Zoom and Nike.

“Nights like this renew my faith in humanity”
-Reyna, USA

This session will run online on Wednesday, August 25 at 5:45 pm. Click here to register. This is an interactive session and spaces are limited.

“Joyous & nothing I’ve ever played before”