From immersion to a shared vision

Over the last years, user research has started to shift from primarily relying on in-lab evaluative methods to more foundational research approaches informing product strategy. In addition, while conducting research has long been defined as the role of the user researcher in the team, more recently, various other roles across an entire team started to embrace user research. At the intersection of foundational research and participation of the wider team is where the approach of "immersion" comes to fruition. As a method every user researcher should have in their toolbox, it strives to collect reliable research data while allowing the entire team to experience the target users' tasks, journeys, and needs first-hand. Immersion research strikes an appropriate balance of product team participation and the collection of reliable data, leading to a shared understanding of the user and the product and hence a shared vision.

Based on a wealth of knowledge and experience conducting foundational research, the immersion technique will be introduced as part of a larger framework of user research approaches. Different types and approaches to organizing immersion research will be highlighted, supported from real-world examples from across various domains and projects. In, this talk will also discuss how to achieve maximum participation by the product team and to ensure its lasting impact towards forming a longer-term vision for the product or service being designed. Attendees will walk away with an appreciation for immersion research as well as specific techniques to applying it to their own team.


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