Setting the PACE - how to get ahead of the pack in corporate innovation

ING Australia was the first true digital challenger bank in the Australian market. Launched in 1999 and growing rapidly – how do we continually challenge ourselves to stay ahead of the fast-growing fintech landscape?

In this talk, we’ll cover off:

  • PACE, the proven ING innovation methodology (design thinking, lean and agile)
  • The power of a single design blueprint that enables an entire workforce to innovate
  • The impact of this on the role of traditional designers
  • How leaders need to reframe their roles, teams and practices as innovation matures

This talk is pitched at corporate, design leaders and anyone involved in the new product or service design space. It introduces a successful methodology by ING – one of Australia’s fastest growing bank and the original fintech before that was even a thing. Learn about how ING approaches innovation, the impact this has on traditional design roles and how leaders must adapt in order to empower teams in the early exploration stage.