Alberta Soranzo

Alberta leads Friday’s experience design team. She spent much of the last 20 years delivering user-focused digital solutions, creating digital frameworks that support retrieval of complex bodies of information and deliver meaningful experiences across channels, platforms and devices. Unafraid of challenging convention, she puts people at the heart of her design process and aims to deliver experiences which look stunning and support task completion with ease, elegance and simplicity.

She is adamant about usability, findability and making good things.

Alberta hails from Italy and has lived for 15 years in the US where she has helped organisations like UCLA, Center for Disease Control and RF Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights fulfil their digital potential.

When she is not on a plane or obsessing about the small things, you can usually find her on Twitter or playing ice hockey at a rink near you.

Notable skills: concision, irony and the best musical taste on the right side of the Atlantic.

Also: mischief, post-its and the uncanny ability to get in trouble.

Thoughts (her own) at and @albertatrebla

Presenting at UX Australia 2014:
The web you were used to is gone