Karina Smith

Karina has over 20 years of experience using the design process to untangle complex problems of the world we live, helping businesses to build deep empathy with their customers and deliver solutions that make people’s lives easier and lovelier.

Beginning her career in graphic and product design, curious about the growing interaction between people and technology, Karina moved into the digital space leading large-scale projects in complex environments including education, government, retail, and banking and telecommunications in Europe, North America, the UK, and Australia. Over the past eight years, Karina held senior positions leading multi-disciplinary teams to develop and implement digital strategies and customer-centred service reforms.

With an honour’s degree in Design from Newcastle University, a postgraduate degree in Psychology from Macquarie University and over decade of experience working closely with ICT sector, Karina brings together a unique combination of experience in design, technology and psychology to look at a problem from multiple perspectives.