The UX no one wants to have

With a woman dying at the hands of a current or former partner almost every week in Australia, family violence is one of our most critical social problems.

In Victoria, people experiencing family violence can seek the protection of an intervention order through our courts. The first step in applying for such an order is filling out a long and complex paper form.

Family violence survivors often find the justice system traumatic. So how do you design the application form to be accessible and sensitive to the needs of distressed users, while collecting the complex, personal information that courts require?

In 2015, the Neighbourhood Justice Centre took on this challenge. It designed, developed and trialled the first online version in Australia. Formulate Information Design contributed form design expertise.

We’ll share how we engaged family violence survivors and the court in primary research, as well as the contribution of innovation and best practice to the form’s design.

The session will benefit anyone who:
• conducts user research with difficult-to-reach and/or broad target audiences, about challenging or sensitive topics
• designs or develops online forms, especially forms that are complex; collect a lot of information; have questions that are hard to word simply and clearly; may frustrate, surprise, anger or upset the user; or must balance the needs of different users;
• works with or for a government agency, not-for-profit or social enterprise
• needs to innovate to meet project aims.

You’ll leave with tips you can use immediately in your UX practice, as well as a heightened awareness of family violence.

Warning: Family violence will be discussed in this session. If you or someone close to you has experienced family violence, you may find this session distressing.

Presentation audio



Sketchnotes by Justin Cheong