Lessons learned about design research from three weeks of design research

This presentation will reflect back upon three weeks (and twenty years) of design research out in the field, to help an organisation understand why customers choose to be customers.

The research included over 100 hours of observational research of several thousand customer behaviours across 14 different locations; thousands of photographs; 100s of interviews with customers and staff; as well as background reading from academic literature.

The presentation will look at what worked well; what we would do differently next time; and what might also work well in a similar circumstance.

I will cover the following:

  • what questions was the research trying to answer
  • how we went about conducting the research (briefly)
  • the analysis and synthesis activities (briefly)
  • what worked (and why)
  • what really didn’t work (and why)
  • what we would do differently next time (and why we think that will be more successful).

In addition to this specific project, I’ll be drawing on over 20 years of research experience in various forms, from surveys (as a statistician) to digging holes in the ground (as an archaeologist).

The session will be of use to anyone needing to get out of the office or the lab and conduct research with (potential) customers out in the world.

Presentation audio