Social experience design: Shifting the focus on motivation and complex systems

There are three elements to design for social experiences: you need to have in place the right process to deal with complex systems, find the right set of intrinsic relational motivations and have the right social usability. This presentation will show, with hands-on examples, how to use these three core elements to build strategies, services and products for anything that has a social component. In other terms: everything. Because we are social creatures.

This doesn’t mean however that everything needs to be a social network. We have to use the inherent social nature in a balanced and effective way, sometimes even by recognizing it and avoiding it. We need to change the focus on the right metrics to design effective systems.

This is an update to the the presentation I made at Interaction 13 that received an incredibly positive feedback and more than 120,000 views on Slideshare in one week.

The content of the presentation will be a first introduction of a method developed with Gianandrea Giacoma, psychologist, over 4+ years plus my professional experience ranging from consumer to enterprise products.

  • Gamestorming Dave Gray
  • Leverage points Donella Meadow

Presentation audio