Surveying your users: Collecting user feedback


Online surveys can be a quick and efficient way to collect feedback about products. However, it is deceptively easy to collect invalid and unreliable data, as surveys have many methodological concerns and potential sources of error. This workshop will provide a wealth of information on creating great surveys and feedback forms, including when to best use a survey, identifying goals and desired outcomes, best practices around questionnaire design, and how to avoid common survey pitfalls. Additionally, this workshop will touch on topics such as sampling constraints, when and how to deploy a survey, survey platforms, quick analysis of the collected data, and more!

Workshop structure

The workshop will cover:

Survey fundamentals

  • Introduction to surveys
  • Survey types and example
  • Overview of the survey life cycle
  • Research goals & constructs
  • Question types & when to use each

Survey biases, fielding, & analysis

  • Questionnaire biases
  • Testing and optimizing your survey
  • Implementation considerations for online surveys
  • Survey analysis fundamentals


Participants will learn about:

  • the role of survey research to measure attitudes and to gather feedback
  • when it is appropriate to use survey methodology
  • the entire survey lifecycle, from goals to project planning, sampling considerations, questionnaire design, choosing the right tool, fielding, and analysis
  • how to design basic surveys, with an understanding of sources of survey error and questionnaire biases.

Target audience

People who are interested in capturing user attitudes and insights through surveys and other feedback-gathering methods. This include people who want to use surveys as a quick and simple tool as well as looking to further their knowledge in survey research. i.e. roles including but not limited to user experience practitioners, product managers, and analysts.

Materials provided

At the end of the workshop, the audience will be provided with a short summary of best survey practices in addition to a starter questionnaire template. This take-away material is intended to be a quick guide that can be used when later preparing surveys.