DesignOps - How to get ideas out faster

In this talk, I will be discussing how Designers and Developers can work together to get ideas into their customer's hands as quickly as possible so that they can be used, measured and improved.
Product testing will let you know if your customers 'can' use your product, but it will not tell you if they 'will' use your product. These two things are very different. We need to get ideas out quickly and start monitoring and measuring the outcomes.

Techniques like 'Dual Track Delivery' and 'Designing your backlog' can help multi-capability teams get ideas into the live environment quickly and I will be discussing how they work and the risks you need to be aware of.

Presentation audio

Kristy Sachse- DesignOps - How to get ideas out faster by UX Australia

UXAUS2019 Day 2 In this talk, I will be discussing how Designers and Developers can work together to get ideas into their customer's hands as quickly as possible so that they can be used, measured and improved. Product testing will let you know if your customers 'can' use your product, but it will not tell you if they 'will' use your product.


Transcript- Courtesy of Ai-Media