Designing for AI-Human Centaurs: Who is Doing the Work?

Full day, workshop Wednesday 28 August (all day) - buy tickets here

The foundational question for designing AI systems is: Who is doing the work? The human with help from the AI? Or the AI with help from the human? Once designers understand and become familiar with the differences of these modes of interaction, they can more confidently design modern systems that take advantage of AI APIs. Noessel literally wrote the book on Agentive Tech last year and is working on the follow-up book about assistant tech. In this workshop participants gather into design pairs. Then short lectures explain the core concepts and start the creative ideas flowing, followed by integration exercises where participants put these ideas into action. Each team refines ideas across the day and integrating these modes into a cohesive whole. Time allowing, teams are asked to volunteer to present the key ideas from their designs.