Quantifying customer experience

“Because it’s ‘the right thing to do'” and “Because ‘Apple does it'” just isn’t going to cut it with your CFO…

Customer experience stretches far to either side of any interaction that can be influenced by UX interface design. Customer experience starts from when a customer first hears about what your product or service is promising, gets cemented by how well you deliver on that promise (through UI and well beyond), and gets broadcast in social media to influence the impressions of future customers. As such, it’s important to have a way to quantify the effects of the customer experience improvement that stretch beyond Google Analytics and screen attention heat mapping.

As a customer experience manager, there are two questions to ask yourself:

One: Where should I meddle, and

Two: Was it worth it?

The combination of measures like Net Promoter score and the ability to flexibly query customer and operational data are the kinds of tools you need in your arsenal if you’re going to get through the internal hurdles to get your projects funded, and going to have a fighting chance with your actual customers.